If you're a developer, you should know about USPS postal address APi. This API allows you to validate addresses for shipping and mailing purposes. It is not intended for record management and database cleansing. Moreover, it can be used for any USPS shipping service. In this article, you will learn the benefits and how you can use it. So, if you're in the same boat as the developers who created USPS postal address api, read on.

The USPS postal address APi consists of public address validation and lookup APIs that give developers access to the USPS's official address database. It contains over 160 million US postal addresses with city and ZIP code details. These APIs are extremely useful for developers and direct mail marketers of any size. To use them, simply register an account with the USPS and start using the API. The API can save you time and effort.
The USPS postal address APi validates addresses against current USPS address database records. It checks the last line of the address and makes corrections if necessary. It is possible to limit the corrections with minimal validation. The API documentation will tell you whether to use complete or minimal validation. In addition, the API enables you to query addresses with a ZIP+4 or two-digit delivery point. These data are important for a successful mailing process.